Restore biodiverse forests
Protect orangutans
Grow the sustainable future forests
Borneo’s 10,000-year-old forests, the home for a biologically diverse community, is rapidly disappearing. Climate change is now evident in the ever increasing natural disasters all over the world. Restoring lost forests and conserving the jungle not only saves nature but also helps sustain our future environment. Manis Fan Club plants trees and sustain forests, with the aim of restoring the biodiversity of jungles in Borneo, and protect orangutans now designated as a critically endangered (CR) species.
What happens if you become a member?
Individual members: ¥3,000 JPY / year
Corporate members: ¥30,000 JPY / year
- A fruit tree will be planted, marked by a sign board with your name on it (February – March). A photo of the tree being planted, and its location on Google Maps will be sent to you
- You will receive an annual newsletter (activity report/financial report)
- You can shop at our EC site with a special coupon
- You will receive information about online talks and lectures
Tree-planting Donation
*The more trees, the better* option
¥3,000 JPY for 6 trees
We will choose the kinds and grow them
*My heart is with you* option
¥3,000 JPY for 1 tree + a name board
A fruit tree will be planted by a sign board with your name (February – March). A photo of the tree being planted, and its location on Google Map will be sent to you